Providing services that promote independence and self-sufficiency

The Home and Community Based Services Department of Civitan Foundation Inc., provides Individualized services to families and caregivers with special needs persons living at home. 

We understand that families need someone to help navigate the system and help with upholding the rights of their disabled family member. We are very dedicated to assisting families advocate and fight for optimal care and a better life for all concerned. We are members of AAPPD (Arizona Assoication of Providers for People with Disabilities) and work with the legislation and other agencies to help fight and protect the rights and improve on the services for people with developmental disabilities. We will and do attend the quarterly and yearly ISP meetings.

“We are part of your family and will be
there to help and grow with your needs.”

Respite Services:

Respite is a service designed for short-term, temporary care to our clients with the purpose of giving the parents or caregiver a break from the everyday routine of raising a child with special needs. An important purpose of respite is to provide parents and families temporary relief to relax, run errands, work, spend time with other children in the household, take an evening off and go out for a movie or dinner.  This is not a service that can be provided by the parents or guardians, but it can be provided by another family member over 18 years of age. It may take place in the child’s home, in the community, or in the home of the respite provider (with prior authorization only). This service can also be used for our camping sessions, and other group recreation programs.

Habilitation services:

Habilitation is one-on-one therapy to teach and/or improve an individual's daily living, social, gross/fine motor, communication, and/or memory and organization skills, it may be in the home or community with clear goals designed to maximize functional skills and positive behavior. Typical goals are in the areas of language and communication, self-help, social skills, memory and cognition, motor skills, community integration, and adaptive behavior.

There are a variety of teaching approaches that can be used. Parents are encouraged to work with habilitation providers and support coordinators in implementing the goals and objectives that are written in the client’s individual support plan. Habilitation goals are always individualized and depend on the client’s needs. The purpose of Habilitation is to help the client become more independent in all aspects of their daily lives.

Attendant Care Services:

Attendant Care is providing direct physical assistance to an individual that is unable to perform these daily tasks themselves. Some of these tasks may include helping the individual with their personal hygiene, assisting in dressing, meal preparation and eating, shopping, lifting, transferring, and toileting. This is also a service that can be provided by the parent or guardian of a child that is 18 years of age or older.