Donate to the Civitan Foundation while receiving a tax benefit for yourself

Did you know that you can support the Civitan Foundation and receive a tax credit at the same time?  Civitan Foundation is a qualified charitable organization under The Working Poor Tax Credit (ARS 43-1088).  These donations are tax deductible for anyone who itemizes on their State return* (there is no longer a baseline requirement).  Individual taxpayers may donate up to $200; taxpaying couples filing jointly may donate up to $400 to the Civitan Foundation, Inc. by December 31 each year.  This tax donation can be made in addition to any public/private school tax credit. 

Since 1968, the Civitan Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has been providing multiple programs to meet the needs of children and adults who are developmentally disabled.  Civitan serves over 750 families annually in our diverse array of programs that build a stronger community for those with disabilities.  Our flagship program, Camp Civitan, offers 10 weeks of summer camp sessions, as well as weekend and holiday respite opportunities year round at our facility in Williams, AZ.  We do not turn away campers based on their ability to pay for services, but offer scholarships to qualifying families in need.  Every dollar donated to Civitan helps us provide services to families who could not otherwise afford these quality programs. 

Your "Working Poor Tax Credit" donation helps us ensure that Civitan services are available to everyone!  Make your checks payable to Civitan Foundation, Inc. and note in the memo area “Tax Credit”.  If you are a parent of a client, you may request that your tax credit donation go towards your child’s services.

Please support Civitan and take advantage of this tax benefit, too! Simply fill out this form.

*Contact a qualified tax professional for expert advice on your income taxes.  If you would like more information on this tax credit (ARS 43-1088), please contact the Arizona Department of Revenue at 602-255-3381 or visit